Jasminer X4-QZ is here with us, and the Ethash miner is quite impressive. Also known as the Jasminer X4 3UZ, the miner was released in March 2023. It uses the Ethash algorithm and comes with a maximum hashrate of 840Mh/s. The miner also comes with a maximum power consumption of 340W. Model X4-QZ came out of the gate swinging, as it does make a daily profit margin. Here’s our in-depth Jasminer X4-QZ Review.
A closer look at the Jasminer X4-QZ
Just like you would expect from the Jasminer manufacturer, the miner is sleek and weighs 12,000g.
You get a miner that offers one of the most used coins in the Blockchain ecosystem, Ethereum. There are over 50 coins to mine with this unit.
Its power consumption of 340W makes it one of the best miners to use for mining Ethereum-based coins.
Some of the coins worth mining include Callisto, EthereumClassic, EtherGem, Expanse, Musicoin, QuarkChain, etc.
You can join several pools after getting your hands on this miner. That includes Ethermine, NiceHash, Poolin, SparkPool, and ViaBTC.
For those that prefer cloud mining solutions, we can, for now, recommend BitFuFu as its one reliable cloud mining provider.
Some stores claim to have this miner, which is a bit odd as the release date was a month from March.
The miner looks like any other Jasminer, which means you can place it upside down to ensure you save space.
We highly recommend Jasminer as a manufacturer as they do create durable miners.
Algorythm of the Jasminer X4-QZ
We have several advantages of using the Ethash algorythm over other crypto mining algorithms.
Ethash is easy to implement, not forgetting the mining algorithm is secure, simple, and above all else, practical.
The algorithm uses the DAG structure memory and cache to become more efficient than other miners.
It has a better and faster verification capacity than any other hashing algorithms that we have. And that’s why you need to get your hands on the X4-QZ Jasminer series.
One of the disadvantages that we must mention is the high gas fees involved with Ethereum-based miners.
Efficiency of the Jasminer X4 3U Z Miner
The miner produces an efficiency of 0.405j/Mh thanks to the power consumption of 340W. That’s one of the best features of this miner.
For the better part of the day, miners mine more coins and incur less in terms of electricity costs. And that gives rise to higher daily profit margins.
With the Ethereum prices stabilizing, the miner is bound to become even more profitable as the weeks pass.
The miner comes with 2 fans to ensure there’s smooth running and no overheating. You certainly don’t want to overheat the miner or stop mining at any particular time.
It comes with a 5G memory capacity too.
Hashrate of the Jasminer X4-QZ Miner
It comes with a hashrate of 840Mh/s which is quite high for an Ethereum-based miner. And we have to give props to the manufacturer for gifting miners a more powerful miner.
With a high hashrate, it means you get to find and solve block puzzles faster than other miners on the network.
And this means you get the reward faster than most Ethereum miners on the Blockchain network.
Humidity and temperature levels
Another important aspect to consider when checking miners is the humidity and room temperature settings.
To ensure the miner works optimally, you must set the room humidity and temperature details as recommended.
Noise levels
40 decibels is the expected noise emitted by this miner. You shouldn’t expect any noise complaints while mining at home.
Profitability of the Jasminer X4-QZ
As we publish this miner, the unit makes less than $2 in daily profit. This is, however, expected to change once the market favors mining Ethereum.
Warranty of the Jasminer X4-QZ
Expect a maximum warranty of not more than 180 days from vendors.
The information above intends to educate miners about the features and performance of the above unit.