PinIdea RR-210 is using two algorithms, CryptoNight and CryptoNight-Lite. These two algorithms come with a maximum hash rate of 30 Kh/s and 60 Kh/s, respectively. The efficiency levels are also different depending on the algorithm used.
When it comes to power consumption, the maximum power consumption is 350W. Most miners will be happy to learn that the miner brings down the cost of mining. With low power consumption comes low electricity bills. And this makes the unit a perfect choice for expert and newbie miners.
Analysis and Attributes of PinIdea RR-210
The PinIdea RR-210 is also known as the 150. It was released in April 2018 and is the predecessor of the RR-200. Both of these miners are almost identical in features and specs. What makes the RR-210 different is the higher hash rate. The miner comes in a size of 180*380*5000mm.
There are 6pins*4, and it comes with a maximum voltage of 12V. You can get a total of eight exotic and profitable coins with this equipment.
Mineable coins include Electroneum, Karbo, Monero Classic, and more. The notable mining pools that associate with this miner include F2Pool, NanoPool, and Poolin. You can join these mining pools to get a better taste of mining these coins.
Buy the miner directly from the manufacturer or selected stores.
Algorithm of the RR-210 PinIdea
There are two algorithms to choose from with this unit. CryptoNight is offering low efficiency and hash rate compared to CryptoNight-Lite. We have a problem with the manufacturer concerning the chip under the hood. There’s no information on the chip’s name or the number of chipboards.
Every user wants to know all the specs before buying any unit. Without the chip specs, we don’t know the algorithm's full capabilities.
Efficiency of the rr-210 Pinidea
With two algorithms, you expect the miner also to have two efficiency levels. CryptoNight has an efficiency of 11.667j/Kh. With CryptoNight-Lite, you get an efficiency of 5.833j/Kh. Most miners will tell you that the efficiency rate is lower than most units. And this is true but, there’s a reason for it.
Since the miner is only mining a few coins, there’s no need for high efficiency. Also, you get low power consumption, which stands at 350W.
Hash Rate of the PinIdea RR-210
PinIdea RR-210 is a multi-algorithm based miner and has two hash rates depending on the Algorythm used. CryptoNight offers a hash rate of 30 Kh/s, while CryptoNight-Lite offers a hash rate of 60 Kh/s.
Considering that this miner only mines less than ten coins, the hash rate is fair. The only problem with the hash rate is the slow response time. It takes more time to mine since the unit has less hash rate and power consumption.
Noise and sound emission
55 decibels is what you find with this unit. The platform offers a better way for mining enthusiasts. You can easily use the unit to mine at home or in a large setting. For large scale mining, you won’t have to worry about noise complaints.
With an easy to use interface, you get a miner that works well in any environment. It also comes with two fans that help with cooling.
The Profitability of PinIdea RR-210
For the miner to be profitable, you have to consider several factors. Your electricity rates and market conditions are some factors that affect profitability. Know when best to mine these exotic coins for maximum profitability. The manufacturer offers a payback period, which they claim is a matter of days.
With a profit ratio of NaN % and a power cost per day estimated at $1.008, this is a profitable miner.
Warranty of the RR-210 PinIdea
The manufacturer is offering a six-month warranty that covers the initial buyer.
Please note that the above information is for educational purposes only. We won't be held liable for any losses incurred while mining with the above miner. Take note that Crypto mining is a risky investment.