BITPOOL Mining Pool | Reviews & Features

BITPOOL Mining Pool | Reviews & Features Image
0.4% PROP EUROPE Visit Site
Merged Mining
Transaction Fees Shared With Miner
Smart Mining

The Bitpool Mining Pool Review

Bitpool is a primary cryptocurrency mining poo, built with blockchain technology. The pool servers are located in Europe and it provides service globally. 

The pool allows miners to mine various supported currency including BZE, ZEN, SAFE, VLTZ, BTCP, BTCZ, CMM, XSG, ZCL, ZEL, VDL, and ZER at the average rate of 0.4 % commission fee.


An alternative to mining pools is signing up with the best mining contracts the industry has provided, which is the CryptoUniverse Mining Contract.

The Bitpool pays miners through the pay-per-share PPS payout system, allowing miners to get rewarded according to block contributed. However, the pool has only a few details on it on the website, therefore, miners should research Bitpool before investing in it.

Bitpool offers both stratum mining and monitoring, but does not support the transaction fee shared with miners, Cardiff, smart mining, and merged mining.

However, in this pool, each currency pool has its individual website information.


  • The pool support many cryptocurrencies.

  • It allows miners to chose the coin they want to mine.

  • It has a low commission fee.

  • It has good and reliable security.

  • It has good information on its platform

  • It supports 12 minable cryptocurrencies including effective altcoin mining.

  • The pool is transparent and provides all real-time data and notifications.

  • Its servers are located in different locations and facilitate high throughput.


  • It has much inadequate information.

  • It has little information about website projects.

  • The pool has no fast chat support and it takes time for an administrator to respond.

  • The pool does not support merge mining.

  • It’s impossible to gain access to the website at times.

  • The pool is not very rewarding.

The Pool servers are as follows.

BitcoinZ (BTCZ):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU URL: stratum + tcp://

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp://

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp://

BZEdge (BZE):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU URL: stratum + tcp://

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp://

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp://

Commercium (CMM):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU  URL: stratum + tcp://

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp://

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp://

Bitcoin Private (BTCP):

  • 0 - 10 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 3031

  • 10 - 100 KSol  URL: stratum + tcp:// 4001

  • 100 - 1000 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4002

Horizen (ZEN):

  • 0 - 10 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 3032

  • 10 - 100 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4040

  • 100 - 1000 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4041

  • NiceHash URL: stratum + tcp:// 4042

LitecoinZ (LTZ):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 3041

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 4019

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp:// 4020

SafeCoin (SAFE):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU  URL: stratum + tcp:// 3040

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 4022

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp:// 4023

SnowGem (XSG):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 3034

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 4028

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp:// 4029

Vidulum (VDL):

  • 0 - 10 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 3045

  • 10 - 100 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4046

  • 100 - 1000 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4047

  • NiceHash URL: stratum + tcp:// 4048

Zero (ZER):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 3044

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 4043

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp:// 4044

Zclassic (ZCL):

  • 0 - 10 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 3042

  • 10 - 100 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4031

  • 100 - 1000 KSol URL: stratum + tcp:// 4032

  • NiceHash URL: stratum + tcp:// 4033

Zelcash (ZEL):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU  URL: stratum + tcp:// 3037

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 4037

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp:// 4038

Zero (ZER):

  • 0 - 2 KSol Single GPU URL: stratum + tcp:// 3044

  • 2 - 10 KSol Multiple GPU  URL: stratum + tcp:// 4043

  • 10 - 400 KSol Middle Farm URL: stratum + tcp:// 4044

NOTE: MWD won’t be held responsible for any loss while using this pool.